"Reminder to Self" SERIES / Acceptance / Adaptability / awareness / Being present / Challenge / Change / Changing my ways / Emotional Evolution & Spiritual Growth / Sorting it Out

Reminder to Self SERIES: “I am…” | Watch What You Say

Reminder to Self:  “You are what you say you are; WATCH WHAT YOU SAY.”

“I am… “

Catholic / spiritual / not terribly religious / one with the universe / white / tan / feminine / masculine / a teacher / a student / a procrastinator / a writer / an artist / an impostor / frightened / confident / friendly / sociable / a loner / not as good as / as good as / good enough / forgiving / sometimes unforgiving / fluid / rigid / smart / unsure / convinced / unconvinced / someone’s daughter / someone’s wife / someone’s stepmom / someone’s aunt / not a mother / my own person / good with numbers / terrible with names / funny / shy / silly / hopeful / sad / calm / sometimes angry / not a follower / not exactly a leader / often fearful / able to overcome fear / often anxious / able to overcome anxiety / less anxious than I used to be / able to love / able to be loved / lacking in confidence / willing to try / persistent / sometimes overwhelmed / sometimes detached / often connected / vulnerable / willing to be vulnerable / awkward / in control / able to release control / capable / conflicted / clever / competent / sometimes lost / getting better at being present / grateful.


In this body, I am all of these.

Beyond this body, I am more than all of these.

I am also none of these.

I simply am.


I am exactly where I’m meant to be at all times.

I am learning.

I am growing.

I am.


I am of the source of all things that created me.

I am also one who creates.

I am.


I am whatever I feel in the moment.

I am whatever I tell myself about what I feel in the moment.

“I am… [   fill in the blank  ].”


The more I say whatever it is I say about myself, the more firmly I identify with whatever it is I say about myself, and the more I become and/or remain what I most say I am.

The same goes for my situation…

The more I say whatever it is I say about my situation, the more firmly I identify with whatever it is I say about my situation, and the more my situation becomes and/or remains what I most say it is.

If I want to avoid more negative outcomes in my daily life in favor of more positive outcomes, it requires I start by watching what I say about myself and how often I say it. I can feel what I feel, but I have to squeeze my big toe in there when it comes to dealing with the darker feelings, the darker side of what I’m identifying with and how that will affect me for the rest of the day and the rest of my life. Whatever I want most from the world and others is what I most need to give myself, whether that’s more kindness, less judgment, more understanding, less drama, or just more feel-good feelings and outcomes in my life.

When I allow darker feelings to linger for too long, it’s like I’m purposely punishing myself for having normal feelings like sadness/anger/fear, which just allows those feelings to multiply exponentially and completely consume me. The negative rhetoric I feed myself comes from EITHER living in my past and past experiences where old stories play out over and over but facts cannot be changed OR living in the future where I imagine endless terrible outcomes, most of which won’t happen. When I’m kinder to myself, when I actively practice dropping any negative labels I assign to normal feelings like sadness/anger/fear, I’m more likely to be kinder with others and less likely to permanently label them as well.

By changing how I speak to and handle myself, I change how I speak to and handle others, and that becomes a chain reaction in the world.

I am helping others by helping myself.

I am entirely capable of this AND MORE.

I am responsible for this AND MORE, by virtue of being gifted this life I’m living.

I know my purpose.

I am here for a purpose.

I am.



Check out my other posts related to this topic:

Show. Don’t Tell. Let the Story Board Lead the Way.

BASIC NEEDS: Empathy (We’re All Connected or Have We Forgotten?)

Yoga Can Make You Cry, If You’re Lucky

3 thoughts on “Reminder to Self SERIES: “I am…” | Watch What You Say

  1. Sue, you really nailed it with this post. It made me think about all the time I tell myself negative things about me and create a downer day to live in. Your post woke me up and I plan to be conscious of my thoughts in the future. Thanks and peace.

  2. Hey, folks!

    I thought about it after the fact, but I probably should have offered a little exercise to do.

    Here’s a little something to try:

    Write out whatever comes to mind to the statement, “I am… “. Spend at least 20 minutes on it and consider afterwards how all of these things you say of yourself are true while the opposite sentiments are also true.
    If that is the case, how can both be true?
    Can you release some of the more negative observations of yourself and retain more of the positive?
    Try raising your awareness of what you say about yourself and how you talk to yourself for a whole week (or more) and write down some observations. Is your increased awareness lessening the amount of negative chatter you have been feeding yourself? If so, keep at it and check in again after another week.
    Do you find yourself being kinder to others as a result?
    Are they kinder to you too?
    Write about it. Make note of it somehow.

    This has helped me tremendously. I hope it helps you too. ❤️

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