"Reminder to Self" SERIES / Adaptability / balance / Being present / Creativity / Emotional Evolution & Spiritual Growth / Freedom / Playing in the Mud / We Are Connected

Reminder to Self SERIES: Be Your Own Lightning Rod

Reminder to self: “Every day, step outside and get grounded.”

Every day, step outside the place you call “house” or “home”… step into the home of your distant ancestors, where trees provide you shelter and shade, where birds and crickets are the free-streaming music you hear.

If it’s raining, lift your gaze to the sky and feel life-giving, free-flowing water on your face.


Yosemite Serenity

Kick off your shoes.

Stand in the grass and dirt.

Feel the energy of the earth below you, grounding you.

If it’s raining, notice how happy your toes feel among the blades of grass or with mud squeezing between them. Go ahead and smile.  🙂  It’s okay to feel lightness in your heart, especially if you rarely do.

CREDIT: Photo by Isaac Taylor via pexels.com

Step outside from the comfort of your home and step into the comfort of the knowledge that even when the world feels chaotic, as it always has been in some way or another, every day, God/ The Universe/ Mother Earth gifts you with exactly what you need to feel connected to your ancestors, to all of creation and, most importantly, to the elemental essence of you.

This is you in your simplest form, capable of gathering your food and water, of traveling from here to there with your own two legs, of sheltering when needed from the storms of life by whatever means available in the moment, whether from Mother Earth or from the powerful positive energies of the universe.

This is you attracting LIGHT and powerful POSITIVE ENERGY into your world. This is connected, intuitive, creative you–not you sheltered in a man-made box all day.

You gotta FEED your CREATIVITY!!

Step OUTSIDE. Get grounded to the same earth your many ancestors stepped upon throughout the centuries. Get energized by their light, their strength, their ability to overcome life’s obstacles. They did something right, didn’t they? You and a ton of other humans still exist here on planet Earth. This is where you belong, where you’ve always belonged, connected to the earth below you and connected to the light energy within you, all around you, and all throughout the universe.

This is YOU–strong, powerful, deeply-connected-to-everyone-and-everything intuitive you.

Step into YOU.

Other of my posts related to this topic:

When You Have Nothing To Say, It’s Best To Say Nothing

Creativity__You Just Gotta Feed It

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