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Versatile Blogger Award

Versatile blogger award

Okay, this is a little embarrassing, but it’s been 2-1/2 months since I was awarded the Versatile Blogger Award from Mira Jay at Divine Rhythm.  I’ve been delinquent in passing along the award, but publicly gave thanks to Mira Jay back when she nominated me.

With a second nomination today–this one from Aileen at Write Now–it’s time to get to business! Thank you, Aileen, for nominating my blog for this award. You are pretty versatile yourself, girl, and are most deserving of that award. Just one complaint, though . . . you cheated us out of a 7th ‘thing about you’! Just sayin.  🙂

I think versatility is a desirable quality as it means we are successfully showing our multi-faceted selves. In my experience, nobody is one-dimensional, even if that is how they choose to present themselves. We are so much more, and I am intrigued by that very concept. Here we go!

The Rules

The rules for the Versatile Blogger Award are:

– Thank the blogger who nominated you.

– Share 7 random things about yourself.

– Nominate 15 fellow bloggers.

– Inform the bloggers of their nomination.

– Add the Versatile Blogger Award pic on your blog post.

Here are 7 things about me that you may not know:

1. I only just discovered creative writing about three years ago. Prior to that, I simply had a knack for instructional and technical writing.

2. I enjoy trying to do something useful with my guitar, but my latest thrill with playing music is participating in drum circles. I LOVE the tremendous creative energy that comes from a large group of strangers somehow making something beautiful together!

3. I have come to realize that even though I am a highly-emotional person, I rise–instead of crumble–in the face of adversity.

4. I delayed college until I was 30, when I knew what I wanted and knew I would give it my all. I graduated at the top of my class but still shook in my shoes giving my Valedictorian speech.

5. The events of 9/11/2001 in New York City impacted me in ways I never expected, permanently altering the trajectory of my life over the following 10 years. I am finally recovering from its negative impact only recently.

6. Prior to my 15 years in the computer field and 7 years in the printed circuit board industry, I was a secretarial school graduate working several years as an executive secretary and customer service rep. Prior to that, I was also a stocking clerk at the Child World toy store, a car-rental counterperson, an ‘anti-fog product’ demonstrator at Sears department store, and a waitress for about 2 hours at a Howard Johnson’s Restaurant.  ;^)

7. I have only done about half of what I hope to in my life.


In no particular order here are my nominations for the Versatile Blogger Award. They are all special in their own way; I hope you get the chance to check out each and every one. I realize some of you have already received this award, but that doesn’t keep ME from wanting to give this award specifically to YOU!  I also realize not all the nominees will be ‘into’ getting or passing on awards in general, but I still wanted to give you a nod and want my followers to know about you (if they don’t already).

1.  A Detailed House

2.  maggiemaeijustsaythis

3.  I Am Not Defined

4. The Better Man Project

5.  Doctor Quack

6.  Divine Rhythm

7.  semiswede

8.  The Lonely Walkers Blog

9.  Brigitte’s Banter

10. thewritingunknown

11.  From a Perspective of Gratitude

12.  Bill Chance

13. Julie Hansen Intuitive

14. The Magnificent Something

15. doodles

5 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award

  1. Sue, thanks so much and thank you for your kind words. Perhaps it’s coincidence but your job list sounds similar to some of the things I’ve done (I think I made it a day in a restaurant):). It’s nice ‘getting to know’ the people that I’ve come to know behind these blogs. You’re most certainly deserving of this and I’m humbled you’ve included me with these fine folks. Be well and have a wonderful weekend!

    • Well, you’re welcome, and thanks! 🙂
      I’m finally doing award-catchup this weekend, otherwise, you would have gotten this quite some time ago! I thoroughly enjoy your blog . . . keep those good vibes a hummin’. 🙂

      Even though my job list is now just a where-I’ve-been list, it reminds me how much I’ve achieved which leaves me hopeful about where I’m going. (I’d like to add something current to that list!) 🙂

  2. Dear Sue; it’s never too late; you’re of a unique type&I like that in you..
    Congrats one more time&thanks for the nomination..
    Cheers for an extra mile:)
    With love

  3. Pingback: A belated anniversary | semiswede

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